Monday, November 28, 2011


Nothing is more unjust, however common to charge with hypocrisy, him that expresses zeal for those fashions which he neglects to practice. Therefore, I’m not going to be a pretender in this article by claiming to love the wearing of scarves. But, I am sincerely convinced there are benefits for those who own the passion.

As a fierce advocate of crochet influence, it wasn’t hard to notice the recent surge in popularity of scarves. While I adore neck warmers more, for the lover in you, there are some favor aspects to the crochet scarf that are endorsable.

Affordable & chic, handmade crochet scarves help you look attractive at any time and for very little money. They have the ability to intensify your look while providing warmth.  Countless ways to tie them makes them assessable in various designs and styles. My most favorable incentive is they can be hand crafted in assorted widths, worn around the waist, and made with diverse types of yarn such as silk, cotton, acrylic, polyester and wool. 

Learning to crochet a simple scarf is a great project for beginners and an easy way to learn a variety of stich styles and techniques. Having learned the fundamentals, doing so will help to further your skills.

Posted are several scarves I’ve finished.  Currently working them for holiday gifts, in the process of forming I make it a rule to chain the length long enough to wrap around the neck at least once. I’ve created my own simple patterns, but there are tons of free crochet patterns on the net.  I’m sure once you get started you’ll cultivate your own preferences.

Modestly, scarves are an up-to-the-minute way to accessorize every outfit.  Unique, they can be gifted not only for the holidays, but also given all year long.  Custom make them individually for women and men or why not unisex. No need to be intimidated, there are many fresh ways to wear them. All you have to do is let your imagination flow.

Every individual needs revolution, inner division, an overthrow of the existing order, and renewal. Scarves wont be forced upon me under the hypocritical cloak.  The more I design and create them; a subtle urge of likeness emerges. 

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