Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Another Great Find!

I could not contain my excitement as we arrived home to examine our crafty finds after a day of scavenging.

To my surprise we had unearthed several awesome items. Not so much of monetary value, but priceless none the less. As my daughter and I sifted through two vintage Christmas cans from the 1940's and 60's, we found among other things, unopened packages of sewing accessories. Their price at the time of purchase was between $0.22 and $0.29 cents.

Giving my daughter the gift of researching history and walking down its lane proved not only vital but insurmountable in price.

Here's some of what we uncovered:

We are still researching information on this Virginia Dare Sewing Kit. I will update this post as more info is obtained.

I proved to my daughter their are hidden values in antique collecting resulting in me becoming Momtastic!

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